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Ren Bours Ceramics agency - wholesale - import & export


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Package services / costs


Package services Europe


Worldwide package service POSTNL TNT


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Welcome to Ren Bours Agency - the fermentation crocks specialist in Europe

All products on our website are complete with prices, sizes, pictures and weights. All sizes are in cm - all volumes are in liter - all weights are in kilograms and exclude packaging.
US Measurements:
1 cm = 0,4 Inches // 1 liter = 0,26412 Gallon
1 kilo = 2,204 pounds // 1 euro = ?,?? USD
- current rate

We are only working together with local Limburgian potters in order to ensure outstanding quality due to traditional hand work procedures.

100% Safe package services worldwide

We ship internationally and receive orders from all over the world. Because of our save packaging procedures you can be insured that the product will arrive at its destination (whether that be in Europe or outside of Europe.

Shipping fees are based on the destination and total weigh of your packaged item(s).
All shipments come including insurance and track-and-trace number(s). You will receive this number by email as soon as your package leaves our stocks.

Our policy:  All damage during transport will be 100% compensated including all transportcosts.

In Europe we ship via GLS (General Logistics Systhems).

More world wide package costs info...

Ordering our products

If you are interested in purchasing one or more items, please contact us with the following details:

  • The article number(s) of the product(s) you want to order
  • The exact quantity of the product(s) you want to order

    With this information we will get back to you with a confirmation and further details on the payment and shipping.

Please fill out our preliminary Order Form to begin your order. Once this form is submitted, we will be in contact with you shortly by email.

Fill in our order request formular

Read our: Terms and Conditions Ren Bours Agency


Ordering by Phone

You can place your order by telephone.
Please call us at +31-475570008 or +31-636334215.

Our business hours are Monday through Saturday, 8am to 8pm.
If you have any questions about any of our products, please don't hesitate to contact us via phone or e-mail.

Ren Bours Agency
Dorpstraat 25
6099 BH Beegden – Netherlands

Phone. +31-475570008 / +31-636334215

KvK HR. 12063407 / EORI Number NL2278055220

BTW ID NR. NL001473366B67  /  OB NR. 111706105B03


Payment bank to bank per IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and BIC/SWIFT


NL 39 RABO 012 634 4957  /   SWIFT/BIC: RABO NL 2U

Bank name and address:

RABOBANK Nederland - Croeselaan 18 - 3521 CB Utrecht. /




Impression products:

Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to Fermentation crocks
Go to kimchi Fermentation crocks
Go to kimchi Fermentation crocks
Go to kimchi Fermentation crocks
Go to kimchi Fermentation crocks
Go to water filtration crocks
Go to water filtration crocks
Go to water filtration crocks
Water filtration crocks
Go to water filtration crocks
Go to water filtration crocks
Vinegar pots kombucha pots
Vinegar pots kombucha pots
Vinegar pots kombucha pots
Vinegar pots kombucha pots
Vinegar pots kombucha pots
Vinegar pots kombucha pots
Vinegar pots kombucha pots
Vinegar pots kombucha pots
Vinegar pots kombucha pots
Vinegar pots kombucha pots
Go to our Rumtopf crocks
Go to our Rumtopf crocks
Go to our Garlic crocks and union sorage crocks
Go to our Garlic crocks and union sorage crocks
Go to our Garlic crocks and union sorage crocks
Go to our Garlic crocks and union sorage crocks
Go to our French butter crocks
Go to our French butter crocks
Tajine crocks stewpots
Tajine crocks stewpots
Lids for fermentation pots
weight stones for fermentation pots made in Holland
Tips and handguide and recipes for fermentation
Tips and handguide and recipes for fermentation
Our potters
Our potters
Package service worldwide
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Contact & Order information



Ren Bours Agency


Dorpstraat 25 - 6099 BH Beegden - Netherlands

KvK HR. 12063407


TAX ID NR. NL001473366B67

EORI NR: NL2278055220



IBAN: NL 39 RABO 012 634 4957


0031-475570008 / 0031-636334215



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